Organizing, Community events & gatherings
I have organized many community events over the years! Fundraisers, performance nights, arts markets & celebrations. These gatherings have been spaces where folks have been beautiful community spaces where folks are, connected, shared their art and witnessed other BIPoC share their art and creations. It is has been so meaningful to help create these spaces where BIPoC can take up space and their narratives and voices!!!
It is a passion of mine to create these community spaces. I feel, as a Queer Women of colour I don’t see enough spaces that center the experiences of my self and people in my communities as Queer, Trans, Non binary, sick and Disabled, Black, Indigenous, People of colour / people of the Global majority.
I’ve gotten a lot of feedback from folks sharing how these spaces have felt so incredible, so safe, so special and that’s why I keep doing this work. So we can have places to gather and connect. Events such as performance nights, markets, gatherings fundraisers. When we aren’t see ourselves reflected in arts spaces, venues, media etc. We have to create our own events, we have to make our own spaces to share our he(Art), our stories and voices.
Also I create spaces where QTBIPoC are getting to share and sell their (our) art and make money!